Are you in need of a quick Easter activity for your students? Try having your students create an Easter acrostic poem. They are so easy to write and they can be about any subject.
- Grade Level: Primary and Upper Grades
- Subject: Language Arts
Objectives/Learning Goals
- Practice brainstorming Easter-related words
- Use descriptive phrases and sentences to describe Easter or words related to Easter
- Write an Easter acrostic poem
Required Materials
- Pencil and paper for each student to write their poem on
- Scrap paper for brainstorming
Anticipatory Set
- Ask the class what they know about Easter. Write a list on the board while they are calling out answers, and offer ideas and comments as you write down the list.
- Brainstorm 10-15 Easter-related words and write them on the front board or overhead projector. Have the students copy these words on a scrap piece of paper or create a graphic organizer.
Overview of Lesson Plan
Each student is asked to write a short acrostic poem using an Easter-related word. They must create phrases and/or sentences that relate to the subject in order to complete the task.
Direct Instruction
- Choose an Easter-related word and work together to create an acrostic poem. Choose words such as: Easter, eggs, Happy Easter, basket, bunny or Spring.
- Model the format of an acrostic poem on the front board. The easiest way to display this is to put the letters of the subject down the left-hand side of the page. Once this is done you can now begin to think of a sentence that describes your subject.
- Brainstorm sentences that would relate to the subject of the poem. Leave these ideas on the front board so the students can use them as a reference when creating a poem on their own.
Guided Practice
- For younger students, provide a graphic organizer for brainstorming and an acrostic poem worksheet where they can fill in the blanks.
- For older students, you can also provide a graphic organizer for brainstorming, but then have them write their own sentences from scratch.
Once they have completed their poems allow time for them to illustrate a picture and then share their poems aloud with their classmates.
Independent Practice
For homework, have students create an acrostic poem using another Easter-related word. For extra credit or practice, they can create a poem using the letters of their name.
The final piece of writing and homework assignment will be assessed by a rubric that the teacher has created.
Sample Easter Acrostic Poems
- H - ope is in the Spring air
- A - s we all come together
- P - ractice your manners for Easter dinner
- P - raise your parents and the ones you love
- Y - es, together we love to
- E - at on Easter day
- A -nd when you wake up on
- S - unday morning you can search for your Easter basket.
- T - o me it's the best part of Easter,
- E - ating all of the chocolate bunnies and collecting the eggs.
- R - emember to get some rest for the special day!
- E - aster is a great time of year
- A - nd every child loves to eat chocolate
- S - o make sure you don’t eat too much
- T - ogether we can hide
- E - aster eggs and find them
- R - emember not to eat too much candy or you'll get a belly ache!
- E - at
- G - ather eggs
- G - o to church
- S - pring has sprung
- S -ring is a wonderful time of year
- P -icture the flowers blooming
- R -abbits are hopping
- I -t is so
- N -ice and warm outside
- G -rowing flowers at Easter time.